A Project for Preserving Natural Resources
Ilya & Emilia Kabakov
Description of the Project
The project proposes the laying of a long, wide pipe across an island so that it gathers water on one side and discharges it out into a lake on the other side. As the water moves through the pipe, it will be subject to high-quality technical processing; a water filtration system, enrichment with oxygen, as well as scientific observation and analysis in a specially equipped laboratory. The water in the pipe near the center of the island will rise along a sloping incline equipped with a pump that will be set into motion via two wind-driven structures. (In this way, the interaction of air and water resources will be realized.) A flat reservoir will be installed in the center of the island, and the smooth watery surface will reflect the energy of the sunrays back into the atmosphere. After the reservoir, the water flow will be directed downward via the pipe, and having passed through the laboratory and a secondary purification stage, it will be expelled back into the lake.